Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just 10 minutes

Sometimes I fear that the only thing that my family will say about me is that I love to have a clean house. I was always the kid that hated road trips because I hated how dirty the car would get. I would constantly collect the garbage and try to configure clever ways to conceal the inevitable chaos that ensues from being trapped in a small space. I still get a little anxious thinking about those trips.

At some point in my youth, I realized a clever way to get the house clean in a short amount of time. I would recruit my siblings. I would challenge my family members to give me just 10 minutes to pull the house together. "
Just 10 minutes" became my slogan and some of my siblings have jokingly said it will probably find its way onto my headstone. Hopefully not. I guess it was my own version of Tom Sawyer painting the fence.

Over the years, I continue to find new tools and tricks for keeping my house clean. I am not perfect and I am definitely not Martha. I still have a lot to learn. As a busy mother of 4, I know that having a clean house is not always possible, but I have learned some tricks and tools that could be useful to you. Join me in my journey as I continue to try to bring some order to the chaos of life.

My challenge for you today is to take "just 10 minutes" and clean up your bedroom. Just 10. Use a timer if you want. You'll be surprised what a difference it will make!


  1. Finally! I've needed this for a long time. If you can't help me get organized, no one can. Thanks Alecia.

    Your biggest fan, Marisa

  2. I'm always amazed and impressed that you can whip a messy bedroom into shape in only 10 minutes, especially given the reality that each morning it takes me at least 9 minutes to pick up all of the "decorative" pillows off the floor and display them in their designated place on the bed... Love, Romney

  3. I took your advice -10 minutes in my bedroom was amazing. It is great advice for someone like me who doesn't like to clean and gets overwhelmed with thinking of cleaning for the next hour. This is great advice! Keep it up!

  4. Perfect blog! I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

  5. Hi Alecia,
    I think perhaps I might be the inspiration for the '10 minute bedroom clean' because my bedroom is ready for a makeover. No one is more qualified or better able to be the expert quick cleaner than you. Help!
    You will be awesome and I am so thrilled that you have finally realized you can help the rest of us to be free of the mess!
    Yo Mutha
